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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I apply to enrol my child?

Use our online application form in our Enrol section for a simple and seamless application.

Does Pacific Coast have School Tours?

Personal school tours are offered throughout the year. We would be delighted to provide your family with a school tour that allows you to meet our staff, experience our school in action and gain a sense of the spirit of our learning community.

Do I have to be a Christian or attend church to enrol my child?

No. We are delighted to welcome families of varying backgrounds and faiths to enrol their children. Our School, however, is distinctly Christian and requires all families and children enrolled at Pacific Coast to observe, respect and support the Christian beliefs, values and practices of this faith-based community where all students fully participate in all school programs, activities and course of studies which enables students to explore and engage with their journey of Christian faith.

What is the entry age for Kindergarten?

In NSW, it is a requirement of law for children to start mandatory schooling by their 6th birthday. Your child can commence Kindergarten at the beginning of the school year if they turn 5 on or before 31 July the year they start.

Children develop and learn in a variety of ways. As a parent, deciding when your child should start school, you need to consider the varying ways that children learn and develop the readiness of your child’s development emotionally, socially and academically. Our dedicated teachers are ready and committed to helping your child commence their educational journey in a safe, nurturing Christ-centered learning community that celebrates them being created in God’s image, with the capacity to learn and grow personally, relationally, socially and academically.

Will there be an Orientation Day before my child starts?

We are privileged to welcome new families and students to our school community. Children who commence at the beginning of the school year, will be invited to attend an Orientation Day before school starts. Enrolled families will be contacted, prior to the date, with details of the orientation arrangements.

What are the School opening hours?

School commences at 8:30am and finishes at 2:45pm for Junior School and 3:00pm for Middle and Senior Schools

Does the School provide an OOSH Service?

Pacific Coast seeks to support parents by offering an onsite, out of school hours service. The afternoon program operating between 2:45pm to 6:00pm offers a familiar, safe and nurturing Christian-based environment for Kindergarten to Year 6 students. Please contact our school Reception to learn more, including how to apply.

What extra-curricular options are available?

Learning experiences are enhanced through our rich and robust extracurricular program. Pacific Coast offers a variety of activities for students to explore and develop their God-given natural talents and gifts in the areas of creative arts, competition sports, school clubs, school musicals, homework club, STEM, Duke of Edinburgh (through Pacific Hills Christian School) and mission trips (local and international).

What transport options are available?

Getting to Pacific Coast is easy with various travel options, including:

  • Pacific Coast School bus – available for families who reside in Queensland, travelling as far north as Mudgeeraba.
  • Public Transport – Pacific Coast students living in NSW can catch the Surfside Bus Lines, operated by Kinetic: Check out the timetables, fill in an application form for each student and return it to the Office at school.
Do you teach agriculture at the school?

Our Year 9-10 students are involved with hands-on agricultural tasks. They design and manage their own vegetable gardens, propagation of seedlings and look after the ducks on site. Agriculture is not yet taught as a curriculum subject.

Do you teach specialised subjects?

We offer two streams of specialised study. Students can access our Pacific Online school during school hours where our teacher-led live lessons are delivered online in a dedicated study room. Pacific Online facilitates the opportunity for students to study certain subjects for their HSC to prepare for specific career pathways and university courses. Pacific Online provides 'live' and 'on demand' tuition on a growing range of subjects.

Senior School students can undertake VET courses onsite at Pacific Coast. We offer Cert II Hospitality, Cert II Sports and Recreation and Cert III Early Childhood studies. Students can opt to complete barista training and choose a VET course in Senior School.

Where can I get the uniform?

The uniform shop is located onsite at the Pacific Coast Christian School campus. All uniform items can be purchased online or directly from our uniform shop.

Does Prep include structured learning?

Yes. Prep classes provide a structured, well-rounded learning program (based on the NESA early Stage One curriculum) that includes a mix of essential literacy and numeracy lessons and regular activities such as Music, Sports, and library experiences. We include a blend of in-class and outdoor learning and play.

At what age can my child start Prep?

In NSW, children must have turned 4 by 30 April of that year. Independence in using the toilet is also essential for starting Prep.


We are here to support you the best way we can. Your general enquiries, concerns and questions are important to us. We would love to connect with you today.